Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Is anybody out there?

I have no idea if anyone is still following this! With the creation on Facebook, I have been very bad about keeping the blog up. Here are a few recent pics of the kids.  Lily will be 1 next month!  I can't believe that a year has gone by. How will we celebrate St. Patrick's Day this year?

This winter has brought record snowfall to PA.  I think we are up to almost 4' at this point.  Ethan loves the snow and can't get enough!

Ethan also had his first private jet ride with Daddy!  He was so serious...

Stay tuned for more news from the Krausse's!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Welcome Lily!

As promised, here are a few new pictures of Ethan and Lily. Everyone is well and trying to adjust to the lack of sleep again!

Can you tell which one is Ethan and which one is Lily?

Ethan's found some cool wheels

My first entire beer in a long time!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

E's First Haircut!

Yesterday was Ethan's first haircut! He didn't seem to mind at first, but then started to get cranky. Sorry for the bad camera work, I was trying to hold him down and film while trying not to get my color on the camera. That's what happens when I am by myself and Kris is off getting drunk in an Irish bar in Russia (I'm not jealous at all).

Some of you said NO to a haircut, but he was starting to get a sho-lo with wings. Not very attractive. These pictures are of him when we got home, locked in his room of course.

Fall is in the air, so we headed to Longwood Gardens to take in the sights. They have a great kids garden with water falls and stuff. It's a disaster waiting to happen if you ask me.

The video from the haircut is too big to upload... sorry.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ready, Set, GO!

It's September now and it's it's all downhill from here. Ethan started crawling this week and is getting faster and faster every day. Time to move everything into the closets!

We finally finished Ethan's playroom and topped it off with some bars. Yes, it is a bit like prision but with fun toys.

Fresh from his bath. I love this picture! Grabbing his package just like his Papa.

Here is Ethan on the swings and performing his new trick, say HI or BYE while waving. It's all the same.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

As summer is winding down, here is the gang at Aunt JoAnne's beautiful pool. Ethan had enough of all of the girls.

In August, Holly, Meghan, Nola and Matty came down from Kittery for a few days. Here are the girls having fun with Ethan!

I love this one of Matty as a blur in the background!

After a few days with many kids in the house, swimming, the helicopter museum and the Zoo, Ethan passed out during dinner.

Holy S*%T! Can you guess what this means???

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

More Traveling for Ethan!

We just got back from crashing yet another family member's vacation, the Pocono's this time.

Here is the entire Cain Gang, minus Steph who is also taking pictures. We had a great time! Ethan had his first taste Kix and Cheerio's and is now hooked.

Auntie Stephanie!

Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop with Big E.

He's so cute!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Fun in the Sun

Here are a few pictures of Ethan at the pool the past few days. He is now 7 months old and becoming quite the little fishy. I have also included a video of him in the tub last night cracking up at his new toy.